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We hope to use this page to keep members updated on each other and on the latest happenings within the organization.


Section 1. Members of the Gamma Epsilon/Gamma Lambda Epsilon International Collegiate Service fraternity/sorority shall be composed of all male/female bonafide students of the University. Applicants should have taken at least 72 academic units duly accredited by the University Registrar prior to the time at their applications.


Section 2. Applicants shall not have a grade of 5.0 the semester prior to their applications.


Section 3. Applications shall be admitted only after a through conferring of the Screening Committee and after passing the initiation rights of the fraternity/sorority with the presence of the Board of Advisers/


Section 4. It shall be the duties of the members:

a.       To obey the Constitution and By-Laws of the fraternity/sorority.

b.      To abide with the Code of Discipline of the University.

c.       To follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the University reckoned from time to time.





Section 1. Any resident members who shall be found incapable of forming task and duties and assigned to him shall be subject to impeachment.


Section 2. The bases of impeachment are the following:

a.       Negligence of duty.

b.      Violation of any colleges or university’s Code of Discipline.

c.       Violation of the Constitution and By-Laws of the fraternity/sorority.

d.      Inactiveness on the affairs of the activities of the fraternity/sorority.

e.       3 succeeding absent during major meetings shall be EXPELLED anytime with the corresponding letter that he/she is not recognize in any chapters in the Philippines

f.        He/she will only be UNEXPELLED if he/she promises to do the duties as a member of this group and as a pay of the inactiveness he/she will received five (5) paddles.

g.       3 consecutive absent during minor meetings shall undergo DA (Disciplinary Action)

h.       No Free Love


Section 3. Any resident members who are in subject to impeachment must undergo impeachment trial and pass under the jurisdiction of Impeachment Committee.





Section 1. The fraternity/sorority shall prepare a semestral program of activities and shall participate in the following:

a.       Community Service

b.      Socio-Cultural Activities

c.       Educational Service

d.      Spiritual Service

e.       Environmental Activities


Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda or his/her duly authorized representatives to supervise and regulate the operations as well as the activities of the organization for maximizing the utilization of their resources and efforts towards the attainment of the objectives.





Section 1. The accredited organization shall renew its authority (30) days after the start of the regular classes every school year. The failure of the organization shall renewal of its authority to operate as provided herein shall be considered a sufficient cause for the cancellation of the organization from the Registry Book of Student Organizations of the school.


Section 2. When the dissolution of the organization is through voluntary action for its members, each shall be the responsibility of the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda to formally issue a corresponding written notice to the school administration, through the Dean of Student Affairs, and the proper notation of such dissolution shall be indicated on the Registry Book of the School.

Section 3. Whether the dissolution of the organization is voluntary or otherwise, it shall be the right of the President of the University to require the officers to secure a clearance from the money and or property responsibilities from the authorities concerned as may be called for the existing school rules.






Section 1. The constitution and by-laws maybe amended by a 2/3 votes of all resident members and by Board of Advisers.


Section 2. Propose amendment must be represented in a written from five (5) days prior to their consideration by the Board of Advisers.


Section 3. Any proposed amendments originating by petition shall be referred to the Board of Advisers for each recommendation.





Section 1. This constitution and by-laws or any amendments hereof shall be ratified by a 2/3 votes of all resident members of the fraternity/sorority and approved by the Dean of Student Affairs.


Section 2. This constitution and by-laws shall be approved and shall take effect upon the approval by the President of the University.


Section 3. The President of the University reserves the right to abolish the GAMMA EPSILON/GAMMA LAMBDA EPSILON INTERNATIONAL COLLEGIATE SERVICE FRATERNITY/SORORITY at any time during its existence, if in his/her judgment, the continuance of the said organization is not anymore in conformity with the rules and regulations of the University.

Gamma Epsilon Cagyan de oro city
Omega Delta Chapter



Section 1. Any resident members can be elected as an officer of the fraternity/sorority.


Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda to:

a.       Preside in all meetings of the fraternity.

b.      Have an Administrative control over all the officers and members, chairmen of the different committees of the fraternity/sorority.

c.       Executive’s laws and regulations implemented by the Board of Advisers.

d.      Create Committees and appoint their respective chairman who may be beneficial to the affairs and activities of the organization with the consent and approval of the members of the Board of Advisers.

e.       Ensure the guidance and harmony of all members and officers of the fraternity.


Section 3. It shall be the Vice Grand Archon/Vice Grand Lambda to:

a.       Perform the duties of the Grand Archon in case latter is absent or incapable of doing the task.

b.       Perform such duties functions as may be prescribed by the grand Archon as it is deemed necessary.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Keeper of the Scroll to:

a.       Gives notices of all regular and special meetings of the fraternity/sorority.

b.       Keep all permanent records of the fraternity/sorority.


Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Guardian of the Coffers to:

a.       Keeps all money belonging to the fraternity/sorority

b.      Collect fees and dues and to pay all the bills of the fraternity.

c.       Report in detail the expenses and financial statement accompanied by supporting papers to the members of the fraternity/sorority during regular meetings.

d.      Disburse funds as may be prescribed by the officers and members as may be needed by the organization.


Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Checker of the Coffers to:

a.       Audit all the records of the Guardian of the Coffers.

b.      Prepare a financial statement of the assets and liabilities, disbursement and outstanding balance of the fraternity/sorority.


Section 7. It shall be the duty of the Guardian of the Traders to:

a.       Undertake all business matters and undertakings of the fraternity.


Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Herald to:

a.       Inform the ruling, arrangement and requirements impose by the Board of Advisers.

b.      Make publicity matters regarding the activities of the fraternity/sorority.

c.               Act as public relation officer of the fraternity/sorority.


Section 9. It shall be the duty of Master Initiator/Lady Master Initiator to:

a.       Responsible for giving the instruction on the nature of the fraternity/sorority.

b.      Impose disciplinary action to all resident members.

c.       Perform rules and regulations regarding on initiation rights of the fraternity/sorority.


Section 10. The officers of the organization shall be jointly and severally responsible for any damage or injury to the school property or facilities arising form the use thereof by the organization.


 Section 1. Regular meeting shall be held twice a week every month.


Section 2. Regular and Special meeting shall be fixed by the Grand Archon through the publicity prepared by the Keeper of the Scroll.


Section 3. Special meeting shall be called if it may be deemed necessary.


Section 4. Any resident members who shall be absent during the stated meeting without any valid reason shall pay an amount of twenty pesos.




Section 1. Two-thirds (2/3) votes of the total resident members shall constitute a quorum.





Section 1. All resident members shall be nominated and elected at the time of election.


Section 2. Members who are absent during election cannot be elected to any position, however, if he/she can present any excuse of a valid reason shall be nominated or elected.





Section 1. Election of officers shall be by secret balloting.


Section 2. The term of all elected officers shall be for one year. They can re-elect.


Section 3. Annual Election shall be held every first week of April.


Section 4. If any vacancy occurs in the position, a special election shall be called.





Section 1. Officers and members of the fraternity/sorority shall pay an amount of 30 pesos as semestral fee and 50 pesos as membership fee.


Section 2. Officers and members of the fraternity/sorority shall pay a weekly due of 5 pesos.


Section 3. A book of Account shall be maintained by this organization which shall indicate all collection and disbursement of this organization.


Section 4. The fraternity/sorority shall impose an income-generating project for their funds.





Section 1. The different committees shall be created by the Grand Archon/Grand Lambda. They are as follows:

a.       Screening Committee

b.      Disciplinary Committee

c.       Impeachment Committee

d.      Black and White Committee

e.       Internal Affairs Committee

f.        External Affairs Committee

g.       Business Affairs Committee


Section 2. Each of these different committees can promulgate its own rules and regulations subject to the approval of the Board of Advisers.


Section 3. The term of office of the different chairmen of the different committees shall be for one year.

 GE CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY CHAPTERS, All rights reserved 2005